I’m often asked, “Are you a life coach, an executive coach or a sports coach?”

The answer is “All of them, and none of them”.

I prefer to think of myself as a developmental companion, thinking partner and spiritual friend working with people who aspire to be more of themselves – do things differently –make a bigger difference –reimagine the future. Whatever ‘label’ you wear; corporate executive, parent, carer, Olympic athlete, entrepreneur or maybe simply aspirational human, I am interested in helping you bring forth more of the potential that lies within.

And so, we start by listening. Listening deeply. Listening to the core of who you are and who you aspire to become, so that we can design a coaching programme that brings about a transformative shift in your being. Through this shift incredible thinking and action unfolds.

People usually come to coaching knowing that something needs to change. The work we do together helps you to identify what and how.

Executive Coaching is about enhancing leadership performance. Its purpose is to produce business results by closing the gap between performance and potential.

The VUCA world is in a constant state of flux. Many of my clients are grappling with conflicting demands, the need to deliver more with less, challenging inter-personal relationships and ever evolving complex organisational structures.

Brightspace Executive Coaching is about helping you navigate change and manage challenging circumstances.

I take a whole person approach to Executive Coaching - acknowledging that when we come to work we carry with us our life experience and our personal values. It’s only when our ‘doing’ self is aligned with our ‘being’ self can we really excel.

Brightspace can help you with:

  • Development of Leadership capability
  • Creative and Strategic thinking
  • Performance Management and Talent Development
  • Inter-personal communication
  • Managing conflict
  • Personal impact and presence
  • Presentations
  • Influencing and Persuading

See what some of my other clients have had to say

Life  - both professional and personal - can feel like constantly juggling demands, weighing up options and searching for the ideal balance.

We all have periods where we lose confidence, lack direction and reflect over our changing identity and future options.

These can be brought on by changing circumstances, illness, starting a family, bereavement, redundancy, changes at work, relocation, career breaks, approaching retirement, family upheaval.

Many of us are great at ‘performing’ in our ‘day jobs’ (whether that be in a professional setting, as a volunteer or as a full time Mum) but can feel dissatisfied with our overall situation. We can feel stuck, isolated and unsupported. I work with individuals who feel they would benefit from the support of an independent thinking partner – either because they want to keep it separate from work, or because they can’t access coaching through other channels.

In a clarifying, thinking space, free of judgement or opinion, I can help you make decisions about the future within the context of your life.

Brightspace can help you with:

  • Personal Direction, Confidence, Sense of identity
  • Inter-personal communication and managing conflict
  • Personal impact and presence
  • Personal Balance and Wellbeing
  • Career direction and transition
  • Developing ideas and bringing them to life

See what some of my other clients have had to say

It is increasingly rare to follow a linear career pathway throughout your working life. Starting as a graduate deciding on your initial career direction, through searching for employment, progressing up the career ladder, changing career direction, redundancy, career breaks, combining career with family life, to senior executive preparing for retirement, coaching can help you make decisions that work for you and succeed in achieving your career goals.

I have worked with numerous clients at different stages of their careers, helping them to review their current situation, assess their unique strengths and working style, identify what they really want and go about getting it!

Brightspace can help you with:

  • Deciding what career direction to take.
  • Feeling unhappy at work and taking steps to change the situation.
  • Mid career crisis - “Where I’m going with my life and career?”
  • Returning to work after an extended period e.g. maternity or sick leave
  • Considering a career change – what next?
  • Redundancy – coping with feelings and planning for the future.
  • Retirement – what to do with the rest of your life?
  • Writing a great CV
  • Preparing for interview

See what some of my other clients have had to say

See what some of my other clients have had to say


wanting to reimagine their future

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wanting to reimagine the possibilities for exceptional leadership and transformative change


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wanting to reimagine their practice

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